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Water that just works.
GWW is Maine’s leader in water well drilling, pump installation, water treatment systems, and geothermal.
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Providing comprehensive water solutions to Maine homeowners, businesses and municipalities for more than 65 years.
When you choose Goodwin Well & Water, the leading water well contractor in Maine, you choose a powerful combination of engineering minds, excellent workmanship, and exceptional customer care. That’s the GWW difference.
How much water do I need?
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The amount of water that a well needs to produce in gallons per minute (gpm) to provide an adequate supply of water for a single family residential home depends upon how deep the well is and how much water is going to be used by the home in a 24-hour period. The depth of the well is important because the deeper a well is, the more water it has in storage, available for immediate use.
The Maine Ground Water Association has recommended minimum flow rates for single family homes. Their standards are based on a static water level of approximately 25 feet below ground surface. Every foot of a 6” (diameter) well holds approximately 1.5 gallons of water. Recommended minimum flow rates:
75’ well depth – 5 gallons per minute
110’ well depth – 4 gallons per minute
160’ well depth – 3 gallons per minute
250’ well depth – 2 gallons per minute
320’ well depth – 1 gallon per minute
420’ well depth – .5 gallon per minute
I have orange or pink staining on my toilet. What does that mean?
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If you have staining on your toilet or washing machine, you may have water quality issue. Most drilled water wells in Maine provide safe and delicious drinking water. Only a small percentage contains characteristics such as bacteria, arsenic, nitrate, nitrite, radon, lead, or uranium, which are harmful to your health. If your well water has never been tested, however, consider having it done.
The most harmful contaminants are colorless, odorless and tasteless; a test is the only way to know for sure if they are present. Likewise, if your water has been tested in the past, but you notice a change in its appearance or taste, a retest is advisable. Learn more about water quality and treatment.
How long does it take to drill a well?
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Under normal conditions, a residential well takes no longer than two days to drill. At Goodwin Well & Water, we can typically drill a 300′ well in one day and 500′ well in a day and a half.
Water & Well Specialists – Our People and Our Guarantees Give You Confidence
2282 Auburn Road
PO Box 661
North Turner, ME 04266
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Phone: 207.224.7861
Fax: 207.224.7174
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