Pump Systems

Guaranteed Pump Installation and Service
At Goodwin Well & Water, we install pump systems that are of the highest quality and fully guaranteed.
Our pump systems are:
- Made of the highest quality materials
- Sized and installed to provide excellent water flow and pressure
- Installed to last, providing years of trouble-free service
- Guaranteed against defective workmanship or materials
We are particularly adept at helping schools, municipalities and other public facilities that have high water demands. With a vast inventory of pumps of all sizes, we can accommodate short and long term pump testing to verify the water yield of one or multiple wells. Our team is accustomed to handling 48-hour to 5-day long tests to determine yield.

Residential Pump Systems
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Residential pump systems can provide your home with constant, excellent pressure and flow of water if they are properly sized to meet your particular water needs. If they are constructed with quality materials and installed with quality craftmanship, you should expect them to last for 25 or more years without major repairs.
What size system is right for you?
We recommend that each water pump system be custom-sized to meet your particular needs. The components that need to be properly sized are the water pump, the pump motor and the storage tank.
Water Pump
The size of the water pump that you will need will depend upon the number of water-using fixtures you want to run at the same time with good flow and pressure. If you want to use three fixtures at the same time – say your kitchen faucet, your dish washer and your washing machine, for example – your water pump will need to be larger than if you only want to run two fixtures together.
Pump Motor
Once you know the size of the pump you need, the horsepower is determined by how deep the pump will be set in the well. The larger the pump size and greater the setting depth, the larger the horsepower you need.
Storage Tank
The size of the storage tank, more than any other consideration, will determine how long your pump motor and controls last before experiencing failure. If your storage tank is too small, your pump will start and stop too frequently, resulting in premature failure.

Non-Residential Pump Systems
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Commercial and Municipal Pump System Installation and Service
From pump testing to pump system installation and repair, the technical skills of the Goodwin Well & Water team allow us to work effectively with consulting geologists, hydrologists and engineers to accomplish the goals of our commercial and municipal clients.
With a vast inventory of pumps of all sizes, we can accommodate short and long term pump tests to verify the water yield of a well or wells.
To learn more about our non-residential pump system services, email us or gives us a call at 207.224.7861.

Public Water Systems
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At GWW, we are particularly adept at helping schools and other public facilities that have high water demands. With a vast inventory of pumps of all sizes, we can accommodate short and long term pump tests to verify the water yield of a well or wells.
Our capabilities include:
- Class 1 and 2 Public Water System Operator
- Pump tests – short and long term
- Water pump system installation and repair
- Public water treatment systems
- Geothermal installation and service
- 6-inch diameter exploration drilling in unconsolidated and consolidated formations
- 6-12 inch diameter water well construction in both bedrock and sand-and-gravel formations
- Water treatment system installation and repair
- Water well rehabilitation and repair
- Hydrofracing
- Video camera inspections
- Monitoring well construction
Goodwin Well & Water’s strong affiliations with Maine’s Drinking Water Program, the Maine Rural Water Association, and the Maine Well Drilling Commission ensure understanding of and compliance with all state water well construction and water treatment regulations.
Goodwin Well & Water is committed to providing the most efficient, effective and responsive solutions to any public water pump system challenge.
A sample list of our municipal and public water clients:
- MSAD 52
- Kents Hill School
- Bethel Water District
- Canton Water District
- Dixfield Water & Sewer Department
- Mexico Water District
- Rumford Water District
- Sugarloaf Water Association
- Sunday River
- Eustis Water Department
- Kingfield Water District
- Oquossoc Water System
- Strong Water District
- Bridgton Water District
- Knights Hills Association
- Harrison Water District
Other Services

Well Drilling
Water that just works.
A natural and renewable resource.

Water Quality
Know your water quality.
2282 Auburn Road
PO Box 661
North Turner, ME 04266
Call Us
Phone: 207.224.7861
Fax: 207.224.7174
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