Well Drilling

Water Wells, Bedrock Wells, Comprehensive Water Solutions
GWW has been providing comprehensive water solutions to Maine homeowners for more than 65 years.
You Benefit from the GWW Difference:
- Professional, licensed drillers – full time, year-round employees
- Top-notch drilling rigs and equipment
- Dependable, long-lasting well casing seals to avoid surface water contamination
- More than 14,000 bedrock wells installed
- Lifetime warranty – in writing
What is a Drilled Water Well?
A drilled water well consists of a hole bored into the ground by a drill rig. The top section of the well is lined with a steel pipe referred to as a casing. The casing prevents the collapse of the walls of the well and prevents contaminants from entering the water supply.
Our Guarantee
You deserve a water supply that you can count on. GWW is known for standing behind its systems and its people with the best service and guarantees. Our water systems are constructed to meet the highest industry standards to assure you of a safe and dependable supply of water.
Well Warranty
We guarantee that the well casing in residential bedrock wells is tightly sealed into the bedrock and that no surface water will pass through the seal into the well. If at any time, the casing seal fails for any reason other than impact or movement by a person or object, Goodwin Well & Water will repair the well free of charge.
Service Warranty
We will provide “same day” emergency repair service to any GWW residential customer who is out of water and for whom the company has installed a complete water system, including both well and pump system. “Same day” service is defined as service rendered the same calendar day – before 7 pm – that Goodwin Well & Water is contacted by a customer. The customer will be charged overtime rates for “same day” service. If GWW fails to provide “same day” service, the company will provide the labor for the service call at no charge. If a customer decides he/she would like GWW to provide service the following day at regular service rates, GWW will extend its warranty to the following work day.

Bedrock Wells
More Info
The majority of residential water supply wells in Maine are bedrock wells that tap ground water aquifers in fractured bedrock formations. These wells are relatively unaffected by drought and, when properly constructed, provide maximum protection from surface contaminants. The most important consideration in the construction of a bedrock well is to make sure that the driller installs an adequate amount of casing into bedrock, with a permanent casing seal, to prevent surface water from entering the well resulting in potential contamination. At Goodwin Well & Water, we are so confident about the quality of our casing seals that we warranty that no surface water will pass through the seal into the well. If at any time in the future, the casing seal fails for any reason other than impact or movement by a person or object, we will repair the well free of charge.

Gravel Wells
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Some areas in Maine are covered by a sand and gravel aquifer. If you are in one of these locations, an excellent alternative to a bedrock well may be a gravel well. These wells are constructed by drilling down and installing a stainless steel well screen into the water-saturated sand or gravel. Sand and gravel wells can provide very high yields of excellent quality water at less expense than many bedrock wells.

More Info
A leader in drilling high-yield bedrock wells in northern New England, Goodwin Well & Water has installed more than 14,000 water systems over the course of our company’s 65+ year history. This includes large-scale commercial and public water drilling projects. Our skilled, hardworking technicians have the training and experience to comply with all state and local environmental and building regulations.
Our commercial clients are as diverse as the water challenges they face. From banks to condominiums, camps to colleges, our team expertly responds to all types of well drilling projects and problems. Whether for drinking water or geothermal energy and irrigation, the Goodwin Well & Water team can drill and conduct a variety of tests for your project.
For more information about our commercial well drilling, email us or call 800-287-7861.
A sample list of our commercial clients:
- Hannaford
- Norway Savings Bank
- Bangor Savings Bank
- Kennebec Savings Bank
- South Ridge Condos @ Sunday River
- Fall Line Condos @ Sunday River
- Camp Micah
- Camp Vega
- Camp Winnebago
- Pen Bay Healthcare
- Delta Ambulance
- Thomas College
- Colby College
- Passamaquoddy Wild Blueberry
- Poland Spring
- Hancock Lumber
- Maine Huts & Trails
- US Navy SERE School

Public Water Systems
More Info
Goodwin Well & Water’s strong affiliations with Maine’s Drinking Water Program, the Maine Rural Water Association, and the Maine Well Drilling Commission ensure understanding of and compliance with all state water well construction and water treatment regulations.
Our public water clients are as diverse as the water challenges they face. Our team expertly responds to all types of well drilling projects and problems. Whether for drinking water or geothermal energy and irrigation, the Goodwin Well & Water team can drill and conduct a variety of tests for your project.
For more information about our public water systems services, email us or call 800-287-7861.
A sample list of our public water clients:
- MSAD 52
- Kents Hill School
- Bethel Water District
- Canton Water District
- Dixfield Water & Sewer Department
- Mexico Water District
- Rumford Water District
- Sugarloaf Water Association
- Sunday River
- Eustis Water Department
- Kingfield Water District
- Oquossoc Water System
- Strong Water District
- Bridgton Water District
- Knights Hills Association
- Harrison Water District
Other Services

A natural and renewable resource.

Pump Systems
Water supply that you can count on.

Water Quality
Know your water quality.
2282 Auburn Road
PO Box 661
North Turner, ME 04266
Call Us
Phone: 207.224.7861
Fax: 207.224.7174
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